Goal Zero 42005 Sherpa 50 Silver/Black Solar Recharging Kit with Inverter

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The Goal Zero 42005 Sherpa 50 Silver/Black Solar Recharging Kit with Inverter. This unit has nine reviews, 5 people give it five stars, two people give it four stars, one person gives it two stars, one person gives it one star. One person claims that this product came without the solar panel even though it clearly says that it includes the solar panel, he sent it back and they sent him another one it also didn’t come with a solar panel this is most likely the shippers fault.
A person claim that he lives in Florida where there is of course plenty of sunshine, he likes to charge his Samsung galaxy S3, he also recharge a second generation iPad, he said it even gives a great charge on cloudy to rainy days. Most people recommended it for hiking days most people use it on camping trips and a little bit around the house. It looks like this is another great product by the company and that the solar panel technology defiantly has improved especially since it picks up on solar energy even on cloudy days. So if you’re going on a hike or you’re going camping and you want to make sure your phone charges, or you just like to listen to your music then you defiantly need this goal zero product. Overall I think I’m going to give the Goal Zero 42005 Sherpa 50 Silver/Black Solar Recharging Kit with Inverter, a 9 out of 10.
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